When can you track your order?

At our warehouse, tracking numbers are assigned to packages almost immediately and generally appear on our website along with your order information.However, it may take up to 3 full business days before the package is checked into the delivering carrier's tracking system after shipment.That means even though your package has already shipped from our warehouse and is on its way to you, the carrier may not be able to provide any information about your package for up to 3 full business days.

Orders placed on may be delivered by one of several different carriers and shipping methods. Therefore, tracking availability may vary depending on the type of item you purchased, the shipping method you selected during Checkout, and the carrier that is delivering your item(s).

Occasionally, orders are delivered via a carrier that does not offer the ability to track a package. In these rare instances, Your Order History on will not offer tracking information, but will still offer order status and other details. Read the information provided below to learn the difference between tracking information and the order status.

Finding Your Order Status

The status of your order is easy to find.

  • Check your e-mail. You were required to enter an e-mail address during Checkout; you will receive e-mails at your address keeping you up-to-date about the status of your order.
  • Visit the website. Sign In for Your Order History at 24 hours a day. If you signed up for a account, you may view information about your most recent orders (including tracking information) as well as past orders.
  • Contact us. If you still have questions about your order, please contact us via e-mail.

How is order status different from tracking information?

The status of your order is supplied by, and represents what is happening with your order between the time you place it and the time it ships from our warehouse. Once your order leaves our warehouse, it is handled by a carrier (such as FedEx or USPS) that may provide tracking information until your order is delivered*. The tracking information is accessible from Your Order History on our website when it becomes available.

*Tracking information may not be available for up to 3 full business days after an item is shipped from our warehouse.